Public Park Lepelenburg


3512 NJ Utrecht
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Park Lepelenburg is a lively park on the edge of the historical city centre in Utrecht. It forms part of the larger Zocherpark, and is a popular spot for picnics, exercising in the outdoors and enjoying the sun.

The park’s name derives from a house that was originally located on this site. In the 16th century, an earth rampart was constructed alongside it that formed part of the city’s defensive works. Around 1860, this structure was transformed into the current park by landscape architect Jan David Zocher Junior.

Nowadays, with its green fields, bandstand and children’s playground, the locals love to spend time at the park. On hot days, people of all ages flock to the park in droves with picnic blankets and barbecues to enjoy this beautiful spot.

Park Lepelenburg also regularly forms the backdrop for fun events, live music and theatre.

